Slovenská tradičná ľudová plastika a maľba

Slovenská tradičná ľudová plastika a maľba

Slovak traditional folk sculpture and painting
The permanent exposition of traditional folk polychrome sculptures and underpaintings on glass from the collections of the Orava Gallery in Dolný Kubín has been located in the original and unique environment of the Slanice Island of Art in an impressive natural scenery with a Baroque-Classicist church, Calvary complex and landscaping. It has a nationwide character and has become a landmark of national importance.

Traditional folk art, as a typical manifestation of national culture, is an important part of the collections of the Orava Gallery. Wooden statues have been preserved in their original places only in limited numbers, which is due to the properties of wood, which is exposed to external conditions, destroys faster than stone. From the existing documents, it is possible to find out that there were three woodcarving centers in northern Slovakia, namely in Orava, Spiš and in the vicinity of Prešov. The statues of Orava belong to the cult of the Virgin Mary. Their origin is to be traced to Galicia, Poland, which was part of Austria-Hungary until the First World War. The creators of these statues and Marian sculptures, which mainly represent Christ on the cross, the Virgin Mary, St. Annu, St. Ján Nepomucký, st. Floriána and Vendelína were self-taught folk artists who carved their small works in the spirit of local carving traditions, guided by their own imagination and skill. The special charm of the island environment, the exhibition space with excellent acoustics, the exposition of folk sculptures, created a unique atmosphere at the opening concert of the first year of the Orava Music Summer in 1976.


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